Collegial Supervision

Successful collegial supervision increases employees' professionalism and the quality of their work, reduces absenteeism and strengthens the collegiate community and increases individual commitment.

Collegial supervision gives you:

  • A clear and visible framework for how you talk to a colleague about issues so that you can more easily unfold the problem, before you go into "solution mode".
  • A reflection break with time to consider important issues with a colleague, who has experience with similar issues.
  • New ways to go about the tasks you find difficult and difficult to solve.
  • An increased experience of being competent and a strengthening self-confidence.
  • A way to develop your professionalism that simultaneously increases your understanding of your colleagues.
  • A sharpened ability to be wondering, curious, providing more knowledge and creating development.
Collegial supervision is a systematic form of conversation in which equal colleagues work with each other on professional issues related to the work on the core activity.

Through reflection and questions, the individual can help develop the skills of her colleagues - and of herself.
Collegial Supervision gives the team:

  • A common tool to help each other quickly and effectively.
  • Increased motivation, greater confidence, security and reflection among the team members.
  • Strengthening team relationships and closer collaboration.
  • A concrete experience that 1 + 1 can be 3.
  • A greater openness and a more attentive approach to each other, as well as recognition of the way individual team members perform their tasks.
With me as your consultant you get:

  • 25 years of experience from +350 jobs - I know the practices in many different companies.
  • A certified facilitator and coach, that are dedicated to solve the task and are using a personal approach.
  • Methods to ensure lasting and concrete effects so that you get the most out of my assistance.
“Super” gives the hint that here it acts more cleverly to the perhaps less clever one. "Vision" has to do with consideration.

But in reality, this is not an (experience or educational) unequal relationship, but rather that equal colleagues work together to create common and greater awareness of the practice they each practice.

In other words, collegial supervision is a method that colleagues can apply to become clearer about themselves as professionals and their tasks - through each other or with each other as tools.
Why collegial supervision?

As an employee, your main task is to carry out the core task with the highest possible quality, but of course it is not always straightforward - especially not when working with people.

It often creates a need for help to expand your perspective on your tasks or the citizens or customers you are dealing with. Your manager may not always be available due to the many other tasks your manager has "on her plate". And if you also have a leader who is not that strong in your professional field, collegial supervision is an obvious tool.

When you use collegial supervision, you help your colleagues, your team and yourself reflect, take responsibility and find solutions.
It creates solutions with greater ownership and often contributes to quality assurance of the new solutions.

Furthermore, you develop each other's skills and train your ability to reflect, to see opportunities and to see things from different perspectives.
If you want to use collegial supervision, do pay attention to:

The supervision groups are crucial.
The purpose is to create a space for employees to talk about issues that can be problematic and emotionally stressful. Therefore, make sure to put together groups where employees either already have or can easily, build trust and familiarity with each other.

Conversationel training is necessary
When it comes to difficult conversations, it is necessary that all participants receive conversational training and training that enable them to be part of the collegiate supervision groups. It is obvious to let the supervision groups train together so that they can establish trust in each other.

Create a reflective and investigative culture
Collegial supervision requires that the workplace create a culture where one examines and explores the problems and experiences of others, rather than going directly to problem solving. Colleagues should be able to ask questions such as "What would you do differently if ...?" and "Have you been in situations where you have tackled the same ...?".

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