Personal Skills

A livefuld lecture on what personal competencies are and how they can be developed for the benefit of both employees and the company

The lecture "personal skills" gives you:

  • A clear understanding of how personal skilss are defined and why they are so important.
  • The difference between personal and professional skills and why it is important to distinguish.
  • Knowledge of what it can mean to focus on the personal skills for both employees and companies.
  • Knowledge of what you should avoid, when you want to develop personal skills in an organization.
  • Tools to spot personal skills of employees and use them in the company.
  • Tools for developing personal skills of employees.
  • A common understanding and language across the organization about personal skills.
  • Some good laughs and useful acknowledgments.
What characterizes my lecture?

  • Vivid and varied in communication form with recognizable and relevant examples.
  • Humor and clearly visually substantiated points.
  • Small tasks to the participants, for involving and anchor the knowledge.
  • Thoughtful and informative.
With me as your consultant you get:

  • 25 years of experience from +350 jobs - I know the practices in many different companies.
  • A certified facilitator and coach, that are dedicated to solve the task and are using a personal approach.
  • Methods to ensure lasting and concrete effects so that you get the most out of my assistance.

Why are personal skills particularly interesting?

Personal skills are the characteristics that influence how you tackle and perform your work in daily life and in collaboration with others. And that is not depending of, whetever you are is analytical, independent, curious, detail-oriented, introverted, etc.

This means that it is seldom enough to use the professional competences to solve a task satisfactorily - in most cases it is necessary to use the personal skills because you manage your professional competences with your personality.

The truly inspiring, dedicated and talented employee always take advantage on their own personal skills. In other words seen through the glasses of a company , it is particularly interesting to have the personal skills put into play in the company - but it is also in the interest for the individual employee.

At the same time, there should be considerable influence for the individual employee to choose to which extent the personal skills should be used in a organization.

One final point is that there is no clear distinction between professional and personal skills, because the different professions define what are professional skills.

Personal skills is considered to be a prerequisite for getting value out of practical and theoretical competence

Olav Storm Jensen, ​
in psychology and practicing psychotherapist.

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